Mata Sahib Kaur Library

The fully automated library stacks 25880 books including a variety of Encyclopaedias, Dictionaries, Rare Books, Text Books, Journals, Periodicals, Magazines and News Papers. Book bank scheme is also available to the students. During the academic session, latest books are regularly added in the library.

E – Library and Internet facility is also available. 

N-List   Open Access to E-Resources


Library Rules
 Visit College Library in free time and silence must be observed.Undergraduate students are allowed to get 4 books and the students of post graduate level can take 5 books at a time.Issued books can be returned within 14 days.Students failing to return the books within stipulated time will be fined Rupee 1 per book per day.Reference books or rare books can be read only in the library.Librarian reserves the right of demanding back any book at any time.Students will have to pay the double the amount of cost in lieu of a lost, damaged or disfigured book.Markings on the books are strictly prohibited.