Vision & Mission


Our vision is to identify, incorporate and foster all effective strategies that help in students’ holistic and multidisciplinary development while continuously upgrading the pedagogic skills of the teachers. Our focus is to provide need based, skill based and value based education to the students in order to enhance their employability skills and make them globally competent through their comprehensive excellence.


  • To develop intellectual curiosity, creativity, critical thinking, problem solving ability, scientific temper and team work among the students to make them confident, committed and communicative individuals.
  • To promote multidisciplinary approach of National Education Policy 2020, sustain quality in teaching-learning and research, and encourage industry-academia collaboration.
  • To inculcate ethical, moral and environmental values in the students & mould them as intellectually competent, psychologically integrated, morally upright and responsible citizens.
  • To emphasize on optimal use of technological advancement, innovations and effective use of ICT to meet the requirements of high-tech 21st century world.

Aims and objectives

The progress and prestige of any society is determined by the prominence and dignity of its women. The key objectives of the college are:

  • To educate the women of Punjab and surrounding areas as per the needs of the contemporary society.
  • To develop and inculcate human values of life and learning as directed and taught by the great Gurus in Sri Guru Granth Sahib.
  • To impart formal and informal educational excellence and skill to meet the requirements of high-tech 21st century world.
  • To groom confident, courageous, committed, communicative and competent citizens in society.